In this thought-provoking episode of the Siddons Debating Club Podcast, F. Mirza and K. Faheem delve deep into the rich literary heritage of Urdu, dispelling myths and addressing pressing issues around the language. Urdu, a language born out of the Indian soil, belongs to its people, transcending religious boundaries. It is a language of unity, not division. Yet, it has often found itself entangled in the web of political agendas, becoming a target of cultural erasure. The discussion highlights the contributions of both Hindu and Muslim writers and poets, whose works have enriched Urdu literature and upheld its legacy. From the grandeur of royal mushairas to the modern decline seen in commercialized and cheap mushairas, the episode reflects on how the cultural essence of Urdu has evolved over time. The decline of Urdu in India is a focal point of the conversation, with a specific emphasis on Aligarh, once a thriving center of Urdu culture. The closure of the only Center of Advanced Studies for Urdu in India, housed at Aligarh Muslim University, serves as a stark reminder of the challenges faced by the language today. The episode leaves listeners with key takeaways: the importance of preserving Urdu through active use and the relevance of its timeless writings. Whether you’re a lover of literature or someone curious about the legacy of Urdu, this episode is a must-listen for insights, reflections, and inspiration to keep the language alive.